The glorious Katharine Hepburn, from dizzy comedy to dramas of the heart,
captured audiences from the 1930's until the 1980's. Hepburn's appeal
comes mostly from within. In quick acting strokes, this comfortably
established a screen persona of strong individuality. Whether
playing zany opposite Cary Grant in the brilliant Howard Hawks comedy Bringing
up Baby (1938), or turning rich sophistication upside down in
The Philadelphia Story (1940), Katharine Hepburn was an
original. Hepburn exudes New England with every phrase, reflecting not
only the distinctive accent, but the values.
Hepburn has been nominated as Best Actress eight
times by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and the
envelope revealed her a winner three times, for Morning Glory (1933),
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) and The Lion in
For many movie fans,
Hepburn's teaming with Spencer Tracy on screen is most memorable. Together
this pair made nine films, many of them splendid comedies. Their on
screen chemistry translated to a twenty year off-screen permanent
relationship, though Tracy, a devout Catholic, never divorced his wife.
Myself, I love Hepburn most opposite Humphrey Bogart in The
African Queen (1951). It was the perfect time in her
life for that role. She's not afraid to play prim, proper and dried up,
but the adventure opens up her womanhood like an African violet. Talk
about chemistry! Bogart as the irascible Charlie Allnut meets bible toting
missionary Rose Sayer. Together they run the rapids, battle leeches and
swamp, and find love through their incredible shared adventure. And
talk about versatility; from spinster Rose in The African Queen to
sports phenom Pat Pemberton in Pat and Mike (1952),
opposite Tracy. She's definitely cherce!
Hepburn fans might want to read her excellent
memoir, The Making of the African Queen or Garson
Kanin's fine Tracy and Hepburn. The great lady
Kate is in frail health these days. She can be proud of the film legacy
she has left to movie lovers.
on a poster thumbnail image to see a larger view.
Feature Archive has
articles ranging from A
Western is a Western is a Western to Screen
Voices, The
Heistmasters, Akira
Kurosawa, film preservationist Robert Harris
and Shawshank Redemption director Frank

Film Preservationist Robert Harris talks to Films on Disc. Click on
the image to learn more.
e has articles ranging from Akira Kurosawa to Blonde Bimbos.
Movie Rage: Death in the Aisles
Everyone knows what it feels like to get angry at the movies
these days. Here's a humorous but not so delightful view of big screen

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ISF Monitor
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links to many other site.
Werner Herzog Film
![[ Werner Herzog ]](../images/werner-herzog.jpg)
The Web site of director Werner Herzog includes lots of great material. A
perfect stop for anyone who admires his films.

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Found in many high end home theater systems.
Find reams of movie and DVD reviews at the Movie Review Query
Engine, a index of reviews appearing on the Internet.

Le Trou/ A-,A-

Outstanding prison escape procedural,. Le Trou is filmed with
stunning determination. A beautiful transfer from very good sources
elements. Black and white with subs.