The Feature Archive has articles ranging from Akira Kurosawa to Blonde Bimbos, The Heistmasters and Frank Darabont.
Watching Movies or Watching Video

Don't lose site of why you fell in love with the movies. Click on the image to read more.
Check out the Movie Poster Archive for
short bios and images of Susan Hayward, Kirk Douglas, Katharine Hepburn and many more. This month's
featured star is Clark Gable.

Imaging Science Foundation promotes proper standards in home theater viewing. ISF trained technicians
offer monitor calibration services to consumers. The difference in a properly calibrated
monitor can be astounding. Click on the image to find an ISF member near you.
National Preservation Film Board
Learn about what this organization is doing to preserve our film
heritage. Want to know the guidelines for proper handling of film? This is the place.
Home Theater Reference Reviewing System

When you read a DVD review it's of utmost importance to know what equipment is being used to
evaluate quality. Click on the projector to find out more.