Did anyone
define the tough guy better than Robert Mitchum? Mitchum's bulky
frame and crooked facial features were planted on screen as a
warning. Don't fool with this guy. Not only did his many movie roles
define this star, his off-screen reputation as a brawler and
hard-nosed drinker helped perpetuate his screen persona.
I liked Mitchum in so many movies, but none
better than the psychopathic Harry Powell in The Night of
the Hunter. Mitchum's slightly over the top performance
melds frightening fairy tale with an underlying nastiness. It's
emphasized preserved by the casual delivery of the actor. Casting a
black shadow against the evening sky and melodiously crooning a hymn
to the moon, I rarely have felt a more chilling presence in a film.
Later, in Cape Fear, Mitchum found another
permutation of the Harry Powell character as the twisted Max Cady.
In The Lusty Men, the very fine Nicholas Ray drama
about rodeo cowboys, Mitchum brings amazing reality to his role as
bulldogging Jeff McCloud. He ignites sparks across the black and
white screen opposite the sexy Susan Hayward.
Out of the Past is the
film that defines Mitchum's noir persona. The actor's hooded eyes
and smooth, deep voice offer up a vision of a man beyond fear.
This same casual force carried him successfully through so many
films. The Yakuza is a splendid example at Mitchum
at his best as he tangles with the tough guys of the Japanese mob.
The remake of Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep
provided another noirish opportunity for Mitchum to strut his stuff.
Westerns were second nature tot he
rugged star. Whether toiling in a latter day Hawks feature like El
Dorado or in the early noir western Blood on the Moon,
Mitchum rode rough in the saddle. A sleeper of a Mitchum film that's
lots of fun is The Wrath of God with Rita Hayworth
and a young Frank Langella as co-stars. Even in his last film, the
Jim Jarmusch revisionist Western starring Johnny Depp, Dead
Man, Mitchum commands the screen in his few prime minutes.
Over a long career Mitchum appeared in more
than one hundred films, many of them memorable. Truly a force of the
screen and star of major magnitude, this is one actor that was
almost always fun to watch.

Selections from the Feature
Archive include articles on Akira Kurosawa, Blonde Bimbos, Frank Darabont, Steven Culp, John Herzfeld or Vietnam: The Hollywood Pariah, and many
The Bitch Brigade

A line-up of lean-lipped actresses who marched through
Hollywood in a high heeled goose step armed with razor sharp
dialogue. Click on the image to read all about them.

BargainFlix doesn't sell movies! We just tell you where to get
them for the best price! DVD reviews, giveaways and more.

ISF Monitor
Calibrations in the Tristate New York area. Lots of
hardware info and frequent hardware peaks from video expert Kevin
Miller. They may be judgmental, but that's the point, isn't it. Lots
of DVD reviews plus news and more.

A home theater site filled with a host of useful information,
including links to many other site.
Werner Herzog
![[ Werner Herzog ]](../images/werner-herzog.jpg)
The Web site of director Werner Herzog includes lots of great
material. A perfect stop for anyone who admires his films.

Manufacturer of computer-video interfaces, switchers, distribution
amplifiers, computer-video scan converters, and high resolution
cable. Found in many high end home theater systems.
Find reams of movie and DVD reviews at the Movie Review Query
Engine, a index of reviews appearing on the Internet.

Nights of Cabiria(SE)A,A

Bravura simplicity of Fellini’s vision perfectly mates with the
unadorned tale of Cabiria, the feisty yet innocent prostitute. Don't
pass it up.

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