Dark City/(SE)/B,A- | ||
New Line/1998/96m/ANA,WS 2.35,.FS1.33 |
Somewhere in the future there's a
world controlled by The Strangers. They have extraordinary powers to create and change
physical reality. But they are a dying race and they need to understand human beings in
order to evolve into a more durable species. And so they experiment, stop time, grow
buildings, change memories, meld new and old lives. Together, The Strangers harness their
power through communal "tuning." John Murdoch is the wild card. An experiment gone astray, Murdoch presents a threat to the world of The Strangers. They must find him, understand what went wrong, and correct the situation. The police are after John Murdoch too as a suspect in a grizzly series of sex murders. The story by director and co-writer Alex Proyas struggles a bit too hard in creating a world that borrows style and substance from attractive film periods. The "noir" elements are strictly heavy handed, but you've got to admire the effort. Director Proyas and his team deliver some stunning visual effects. While The Strangers perform their communal creating they seem a sea of floating faces. Morphing cityscapes are brilliantly realized by the special effects team.
The darkness of
this DVD is unrelenting. The few scenes containing daylight are brief, either in flashback
or real time. If I have one reservation about the quality of the image: I think it might
have been transferred slightly brighter. Now, I understand, that director Proyas is
working in shadows and the dark areas of human existence. Some of the subtle lighting
effects are spectacular on the DVD. This is a powerful soundtrack that contributes
bringing the stunning images to a greater reality. |