Casino/B,B+ |
You've get to credit Martin Scorcese's audacity. He dives in
full tilt to a project about low lives, creating their world and ignoring the fact that
his films are difficult to find a sympathetic character. I mean, you might think Joe Pesci
plays great psycho or that Robert DeNiro can convince you he's the real goods as gambler
with the golden touch, but you can't like these guys in Casino. And what about
Sharon Stone as Ginger. She's dynamite, but man, this beauty is a major league sleaze.
Sick, sick,sick..
Ginger plays the suckersİUniversal |
Scorcese is really fascinated by
this world. The minutiae of the casino is zoomed in upon by the Scorcese lens. He uses
repetitions to establish the rhythm and beat of the place. is no question. This
director's captures the essence of the stench of Las Vegas, sliding into the core under
close examination. How engaging is this world. That may be part of the problem in selling Casino
to an audience. The people depicted by Scorcese aren't really that interesting.
So what we have is an extremely well-crafted, beautifully filmed
uninvolving movie. At least the performances and the filmmaking is at a level that an
audience can be fascinated by the director doing what he does so well.
The first scene in Casino is shot very grainy and the
opening moments do not look good on DVD. Grain elements are too prominent. I thought I was
in for a rough DVD ride, but that is not the case. The DVD is excellent in anamorphic
widescreen 2.35. The gloss and gaudiness of Las Vegas in captured in sharp images and rich
colors. The clink of coin, the sound of dice rebounding, are finely detailed in the
excellent 5:1 mix. Casino is a well made movie and a bright, dynamic DVD.
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