The first letter rating represents film
content, the second letter film element , transfer and pressing
quality. Click on the title for a review.
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Mad City/C+,A |
Madadayo/ C-,D+ |
Majestic, The (SE)/ C+, A |
Malèna/A-,B+ |
Man for All Seasons/A,A- |
Man from Laramie, The/A-,B- |
Man in the Iron Mask
(SE)/C+,A- |
Man of Flowers/ B+,C |
Man Who Knew Too Much
(SE)/B+,B+ |
Man Who Would Be King/A,C+ |
Marathon Man (SE)/ A-,B |
Mars Attacks/C, A |
Mask of Zorro/B+,A- |
Mask, The/A-,A |
Matrix/B+,A |
Meet Joe Black/C+,A- |
Meet the Parents (SE)/B+,A |
Memento (SE)/ A, A |
Mercury Rising/C,A- |
Mesmer/C,C+ |
Message in a
Bottle(SE)/C+,A |
Metro/C,B+ |
Metropolis (Anime) SE/ B, B |
Michael Collins/B,B |
Midnight in the Garden of Good
and Evil (SE)/C+,A |
Midway/B-,C+ |
Mimic/B+,A- |
Misadventures of James
Spawn/D,B |
Misfits, The/ B,B |
Mississippi Burning (SE)/A,B+ |
Mister Johnson/B,C- |
Mister Roberts/B-,B |
Monkeybone (SE)/ B+,A |
Moonraker/B,A- |
Monster's Ball (SE)/ B+, B+ |
Mother Night (SE)/A-,A- |
Moulin Rouge (SE)/ B,A |
Mountains of the Moon/B,C+ |
Mr. Baseball/B+,B |
Mr. Death/A-,B+ |
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (SE)/A,B+ |
Mr.Nice Guy/C+,A |
Much Ado About Nothing/A,A |
Mulholland Dr./ B+, B+ |
Mummy, The(1932)/B+,B+ |
Mummy, The(1999SE)/B,A |
Muppets from Space/B,A |
Music Man(SE)/A,B+ |
Music of the Heart (SE)/B,B+ |
My Best Friend's Wedding/B,A |
My Favorite Blonde/ B-, A- |
My Favorite Season/B+,C+ |
My Fellow Americans/B, B |
My First Mister (SE)/ B, B+ |
My Man Godfrey (SE)/ A,B |
Mystery Men(SE)/C+,A |
Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyessy/
B, C+ |
Nelly and Monsieur
Arnaud/B+,B+ |
Network/ A,B+ |
Never Been Kissed/C+,B |
New Eve, The/B,B+ |
New Fist of Fury/C+,D- |
Night at the Roxbury/D,B+ |
Nightmare Before
Christmas/B+,A- |
Nights of
Cabiria(SE)A,A |
Ninth Gate, The (SE)/C+,A- |
No Escape/D,C+ |
North by Northwest (SE)/A,A |
Not One Less/B+,B+ |
Notorious/A,B |
Notting Hill (SE)/B,A- |
Nowhere to Run/B,A- |
Nurse Betty (SE)/ B+, B+ |
Nutty Professor II (SE)C,A |
O (SE)/ B, A- |
O Brother, Where Art Thou/A,A |
October Sky/A,A |
Odd Man Out/B+.B |
Oliver/B,C+ |
Omaha (SE)/ C+, D |
Omen, The (SE)/B+,B+ |
On the Waterfront (SE)/ A,B |
One False Move(SE)/B+,A- |
One True Thing/B+,A- |
Only Angels Have Wings/A,B+ |
Opening Night/A,B- |
Operation Condor: Armour of God II/C+,C+ |
Other Sister,The/B-,B |
Our Lady of the Assassins/B+,B+ |
Out of Africa (SE)/B+,B+ |
Out of Sight(SE)/A,A |
Paint Your Wagon/ C+,B+ |
Pal Joey/ B+,B+ |
Paleface/ B+, A- |
Palmetto/ C,A- |
Panic (SE)/ B,A |
Paris When it Sizzles/ C,B+ |
Party, The/ B, C |
Patriot, The (SE)/ B+,A |
Patton (SE)/ A-,B+ |
Peacemaker, The/C+,A |
Pecker (SE)/C+,A |
Peeping Tom (SE)/ A-,A- |
Peggy Sue Got Married/B+,B+ |
People vs. Larry Flynt/A,A |
Perfect Storm (SE)/B,A |
Perils of Pauline/B, C+ |
Permanent Midnight (SE)/B+,A |
Phantom/B,A |
Phantom of the Opera (SE)/ B,B |
Picking up the Pieces (SE)/D,B |
Pillow Book/B+,B+ |
Pitch Black (SE)/B,A- |
Planet of the Apes 2001 (SE)/
C, A |
Pleasantville (SE)/A,A |
Pollock (SE)/ B, B+ |
Postman, The /B-,A |
Practical Magic (SE)/C,A- |
Predator/B+,B+ |
Primary Colors/A,A |
Princess and the Warrior (SE)/
B+, B- |
Princess Diaries (SE)/ C,B |
Private Parts/B,C+ |
Projectionist, The/ C+, C+ |
Progeny/C-,C+ |
Purple Noon/ B+, C+ |
Pushing Tin/C+,B+ |
Quicksand/B-,B |
Quiet Man/B+,D |
Quigley Down Under/ B+, B- |
Rabid Dogs/B+,C+ |
Rage at Dawn/C+,D |
Raging Bull/A,A- |
Raining Stones/B+,C+ |
Rainman/A,B+ |
Rambo: First Blood Part II
(SE) /C+,B+ |
Ran/A,C |
Rat (SE)/ C+, B |
Rat Pack/C+,B- |
Re-Animator/B,B+ |
Real Blonde/ B+,B+ |
Reap the Wild Wind/B,B+ |
Rear Window (SE)/A,B- |
Red Corner/C,B+ |
Red Shoes, The (SE)/A,B |
Red Violin, The/B+,A |
Relic/D,D |
Replacement Killers/C-,A |
Requiem for a Dream (SE)/ A,B+ |
Requiem for a Heavyweight/ B+,B+ |
Return to Paradise/C,B |
Ride With the Devil/B+,A- |
Rififi/ B+,B+ |
Rio Grande/B,A |
River Wild/A-,A |
Road to the Awards/A-,A |
Road to Singapore/ C+, C+ |
Rob Roy/B+,B+ |
Rock Star (SE)/ C+,A |
Rollerball/B+,B |
Romancing the Stone/B+,B+ |
Romper Stomper (SE)/B,B+ |
Ronin (SE)/B-,A |
Rope (SE)/B,B- |
Rosemary's Baby (SE)/A,B |
Rouge/A-,B+(Import) |
Round Midnight/B+,B |
Rounders/B-,A- |
Rumble Fish/B+,A- |
Run Lola Run (SE)/B+,A- |
Run Silent, Run
Deep/B+,B+ |
Runaway Bride/C-,B+ |
Runaway Train/B+,B |
Rush Hour (SE)/C+,A |
Rush Hour 2 (SE)/ C+,A |
S.O.B./ C+, B+ |
Saboteur (SE)/ B+, B+ |
Sabrina/ B+,B+ |
Saint, The (TV)/B,B |
Salvador (SE)/ B+, B+ |
Sanjuro/ B+,B |
Saving Private Ryan/B+,A- |
Anything (SE)/ B+, B |
Scarface/B+,F |
Score, The (SE)/ B+, A- |
Sea of Love/B+,C+ |
Searchers, The/A,B |
Searching for Bobby
Fischer/B+,B |
Secret Life of Walter Mitty/B+,B+ |
Seeking Asylum/C,C- |
Selena/B,A |
Serendipity (SE)/ B, B+ |
Seven (SE)/A-,A |
Seven Year Itch/ C+,B+ |
Seven Years in Tibet/B-,A |
Seventh Sign/B+,B+ |
Sexy Beast (SE)/ B+, A- |
Shadow/C,B+ |
Shadow Magic (SE)/ A- B+ |
Shadow of a Doubt (SE) / B+,
B+ |
Shadow of the Vampire (SE)/
B+,A- |
Shadowlands/A,C |
Shakespeare in
Love/A-,A |
Shalako/C+,F |
Shane (SE)/A,C+ |
Shanghai Noon (SE)/B,A |
Shanghai Triad/A-,C+ |
Shawshank Redemption/A-,A |
Shine/A, A |
Shootist, The/B+,B |
Shower/A,B+ |
Shrek (SE)/ A,B+ |
Silence of the Lambs A/A- |
Simon Birch/B+,A- |
Six-String Samurai/B,B |
Skin Deep/ C+, B |
Slap Shot/B+,B+ |
Sleepy Hollow (SE)/B,A |
Slums of Beverly Hills/B,B- |
Small Time Crooks/B,B |
Snakes Eyes/C-,C+ |
Snow Falling on Cedars
(SE)/C,B+ |
Soldier/B,A- |
Some like it Hot/ A, C |
Somewhere in Time (SE)/C+,C+ |
Songcatcher (SE)/ B+,B+ |
Sorry, Wrong Number/ B, B |
Space Jam/C+,B |
Spanish Prisoner/B+,A- |
Spartacus/A,B |
Spartacus (SE)/ A,B+ |
Spawn/C+,A |
Speed/A-,B |
Sphere/C-,A |
Spice World/D,A |
Spy Game (SE)/ B-,A |
Spy Kids/ B+,A |
Stand, The (SE)/D+,C+ |
Star Trek: First Contact/C+,A |
Star Wars: Episode I- The
Phantom Menace (SE) /C+,B- |
Steam/ A-, D |
Sting, The/A,B+ |
Story of Us, The (SE)/C+,B |
Strangers on a
Train/A,B+ |
Striking Distance/C+,A |
Strictly Ballroom (SE)/ A-, B+ |
Stunt Man (SE)/ B+,B |
Substitute, The/C-,C+ |
Sullivan's Travels (SE)/B+,C+ |
Sunset/ B, B+ |
Supercop/B,B+ |
Superman Cartoons/B,B |
Sweet Talker/B,C+ |
Swept Away/B,B- |
Take Me Out to the Ball Game/
B,A- |
Talented Mr. Ripley (SE)/ B,B+ |
Tall Guy, The/ B+, B |
Tampopo/A-,C+ |
Tank Girl/B+,B+ |
Tao of Steve, The (SE)/B+,B+ |
Taste of Cherry, A/ A-,B |
Tea with Mussolini/B,B+ |
Telling Lies in America/B,D |
Temptation of a Monk/B,B |
Ten Commandments/B+,B+ |
Terminator 2/B+,A- |
Texas Rangers/ C+, C+ |
There's No Business Like Show
Business/ B,A- |
Thief (SE)/B+,B |
Thin Red Line, The/B-,A |
Thing, The (SE)/B+,B- |
Thinner/B,A- |
Third Man, The (SE)A,A |
Thirteen Days (SE)/ B+,A- |
Three Kings (SE)/A,A |
Thunder Road/B,C+ |
Tiger of Eschnapur/ D+,B |
Tiger of Wanchai/C,C+ |
Titan AE (SE)/C,A |
Titus (SE)/B+,B- |
To Gillian on Her 37th
Birthday/ B-, C+ |
To Kill a Mockingbird/A,A- |
Tomorrow the World/B,D |
Topaz (SE)/B-,B- |
Topkapi/ B+, C+ |
Torn Curtain (SE)/C,C- |
Total Recall/A-,B+ |
Touch of Evil/B+,C+ |
Town & Country/ C, B+ |
Toy Story 2 (SE) /A,A |
Traffic/ A,A |
Training Day (SE)/ B+, A (F) |
Treasures of The Twilight
Zone/B,B- |
Triumph of the Will (SE)/A,B+ |
Trouble with Harry, The
(SE)/C-,B+ |
True Grit/B+,B |
Truman/C+,C |
Truman Show/A,A- |
Truth or Consequences,
N.M./B-,A |
Tucker: The Man and His Dream
(SE)/B,A- |
Turkish Delight (SE)/B,B+ |
Family House/ B, B+ |
U.S. Marshals (SE)C+,A- |
U-571 (SE)/ B,A |
Ulysses/ C+,D |
Under Suspicion (SE)/ C-, A- |
Universal Soldier/C+,B+ |
Untouchables, The/ B+,B+ |
Up in Mabel's Room/B-,C- |
Usual Suspects/B,B- |
Utu/ B+,D |
U-Turn/C-,B+ |
Vampires (SE)/C,A |
Vanilla Sky (SE)/ C+, A |
Vanishing, The/A,B |
Velvet Goldmine/B,B |
Vendetta/B,B |
Vengeance Valley/B-,C- |
Vertigo (SE)/A-,A- |
Vikings, The (SE)/ B, B |
Wag the Dog/A-,A |
Waking Ned Devine/B+,A- |
Walk on the Moon, A/B+,B+ |
War, The/B+,A |
Waterboy/C,A- |
Waterworld/B+,A |
Wayne's World (SE) /B,A |
Wedding Party (SE)/ C,C |
What Dreams May Come/C,B |
What Lies Beneath (SE)/B,A |
Where the Red Fern Grows/C+,C |
Who Am I?/B,A- |
Whole Nine Yards (SE)/B,B+ |
Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left For the East?/B,C |
Widow of Saint-Pierre (SE)/
B+,C |
Wild Bunch, The/A,B+ |
Wild Reeds/A-,B |
Wild Things/C+,A |
Wit/ B,A- |
Witness for the Prosecution/
B+, B |
Wizard of Oz/A,B+ |
Wolf Man, The/B+,B+ |
Wolf/B+,A |
Woman in the Dunes/A,B+ |
Woman on Top/C,A |
Wonder Boys (SE)/ A,A |
Wonder Man/B,B+ |
Wonderland/B,B- |
Wood, The/C+,B+ |
Written on the Wind/B,A |
X-Files (SE)/C,C |
Yi Yi (SE)/ A-,D |
You've Got Mail (SE)/B+,A |
Zeus and Roxanne/C+,A- |
Zoolander (SE)/ B, A |

The Feature Archive has articles ranging from Akira Kurosawa to Blonde Bimbos.
Movie Rage: Death in the Aisles
Everyone knows what it feels like to get angry at the movies
these days. Here's a humorous but not so delightful view of big screen

The Movie Poster
Archive include extensive poster images from the films of stars like Susan
Hayward, Kirk Douglas, Katharine Hepburn and many more. Our featured
star is Spencer Tracy.

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Jou Du/A,B-

A sexy Chinese noir. Bold colors paint stirring emotions in a small
provincial town.
October Sky/A,A

Johnston’s glorious montage work accompanied by Marc Isham's stunning
Americana score are reason enough for watching this exquisite movie.
Three Kings/A-,A
Three Kings speeds ahead like a formula one race car on the fast track to
reckless fascination.

The major studio vaults are filled with incredible film treasures which
few have seen the light of DVD.
Open the Vaults
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Home Theater
Talk lately? One of the friendliest places on the Net for Home
Theater and DVD discussion, you can get help for installation problems or
simply share your opinions with other Vidiots.

Images is a non-commercial Web site created for everyone who enjoys movies
and popular culture. Images is published quarterly; however, new reviews
will appear each week, so check back often.
Werner Herzog Film
![[ Werner Herzog ]](images/werner-herzog.jpg)
The Web site of director Werner Herzog includes lots of great material. A
perfect stop for anyone who admires his films.

ISF Monitor
Calibrations in the Tristate New York area. Lots of hardware
info and frequent hardware peaks from video expert Kevin Miller. They may
be judgmental, but that's the point, isn't it. Lots of DVD reviews plus
news and more.

Classic Images on classic films, featuring news, reviews,
obituaries, film convention reports, and detailed articles on film people,
from the most famous to the most obscure

The AV Science Forum provides great feedback on the latest home
theater equipment with a wide range of opinions. Outstanding home theater

An on-line Home Theater magazine with excellent hardware reviews,
including thorough and responsible research. Check it out.