The/B-,D |
deliver the worst news first. The Castle is a travesty of a
transfer, with such soft focus it is actually difficult to watch
and enjoy. It’s
worth a recall. The good news is The Castle is an entertaining
film, small in scope and of limited ambition that stays on
course like a 747 making a three-point landing.
regales the boys about work. ©Miramax |
A family living in a community located on the
edge of an airport runway are oblivious to the sounds of the
planes, to the diminished value of their homes. This is their
little bit of paradise. Dad is forever chipper, making the best out
of every situation. until the important one, that is. He’s
proud of his daughter who has earned a degree from
beautician school; he is forever exchanging banter with one son
over the cost of items in a local trading paper; and
he regales the family with tales of his day driving a tow truck.
Dad has a grand attitude about his life. He can accept most
anything that comes along with a laissez-fare blitheness,
anything but losing his home. With Dad's dander up, the fight
against a big real state developer has just begun.
In the tradition of tight little comedies,
The Castle keeps its focus on the straight and narrow. This
is the classic little guy against the corporate giant tale, but the
twist is the strange behavior of the little guys in The
Aside from
the abominable focus, colors on the DVD are very pleasing. The
transfer is bright. The Dolby Digital 5:1 sound is clear and the
accented dialogue is fairly easy to understand.
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